So….a couple of things:
……A new look for the site has been in the works for a while. While there has been no wailing to speak of, there has been some gnashing of teeth deciding how we want the site to look and how to organize it. And it’s still a long ways from finished, but we have the new theme installed! How do you like it so far?
…..This came yesterday:

This is a film Tom Allen made about his 12,000 mile bicycle odyssey. We bought the DVD and Tom sent us a complimentary download of the HD version for our screening in January. If you want to see it make sure you sign up for our newsletter because that’s where we will be announcing the screening date. Here’s a trailer:
….The Ace Hotel in Portland had Jordan Hufnagel make four bicycles which they rent to guests at the hotel. Pretty good reason to stay there!
Hufnagel Cycles for Ace Hotel Portland from Ace Hotel on Vimeo.
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